Our obligations
All business is handled professionally. Privacy and confidentiality are taken very seriously.
Your personal details will not be communicated to other parties without your prior consent, except where required at law.
Your documents will likewise not be shared with other parties without your prior consent, except where required at law.
Requests to translate documents involving subject matter with language outside of either the translator's competence or certification will be politely declined. (Examples: Minnesang [German lyrical poetry from circa 1200] would be outside competence; Javanese [basa jawa] would be outside certification.)
Some further guidance on the code of ethics to be followed by Professional Translators is provided by AUSIT, which is endorsed by NAATI.
Your obligations
For certain kinds of jobs involving personal documents — e.g. birth certificates, driving licences, etc. — either the original or a copy certified by a Justice of the Peace may be required. Further guidance to assist you in preparing the source documents is provided on the AUSIT website FAQ.